Coastal estuaries and transitional habitats are extremely high-value areas, providing vital nursery habitats for a range of specialised transition-zone fauna including key fisheries species. Their close proximity to land, however, means they are easily accessible to humans and at high risk of disturbances caused by development, construction and agriculture.
Construction of bund walls and roads, run-off from agricultural and urban lands, and removal of native vegetation are just a few of the pressures faced by these systems.
Our team undertakes a vast amount of research that helps assess the value of coastal ecosystems including:
Species presence/absence
Species constraint mapping
Habitat mapping
Tidal modelling
Habitability predictions
Water quality
Advising management and landholders of values
Assessing the success of rehabilitation efforts
Predicting outcomes of rehabilitation efforts
Transitional Habitat Assessment Tool (THAT)
The M-DataTech team undertakes a range of research investigating the value of coastal and marine systems. From deploying 360 degree underwater cameras, drones, and remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs), to mapping habitats with side scanners and monitoring water quality parameters, we collect data to piece together the different habitat structures and the species that use them, to determine which coastal areas are of highest importance when it comes to management.